Published November 17, 2024
Blog Archive

What Meatballs Can Teach Us About Leadership

Hello friends! Dr. K here, ready to chat about an unexpected but insightful topic—what meatballs have to do with our leadership practice. Now, I know this might sound a bit unconventional (but hey, that’s my thing!), so let’s dig in.

When it comes to leading a team, much like crafting the perfect plate of spaghetti and meatballs, we have to think carefully about what we’re adding and what we’re letting go. It’s tempting to pile on more—more responsibilities, more initiatives, more everything. But here’s the key: for every meatball we add, we need to make sure there’s space for it. And if there’s no room, something has to come off the plate.

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Assessing Your Plate

To lead effectively, we must regularly evaluate what’s taking up our time and energy. Are all of these tasks and projects still serving their intended purpose? Are they critical to your goals, or have they become more of a distraction? Just as you wouldn’t let your plate overflow with unnecessary toppings, your leadership strategy should focus on what truly adds value and let the rest fall away.

Reflect Before You Set Goals

Before diving into ambitious New Year’s resolutions or planning strategic goals, pause to reflect. Ask yourself if this is the year for growth and expansion or if it’s time to consolidate, refine, and boost efficiency. Growth can be exciting, but it must be sustainable. So if you’re going to pile more “meatballs” onto the plate, be deliberate about what comes off.

Making It All Work

In leadership, as in spaghetti and meatballs, balance is everything. Adding without removing creates a mess; careful consideration of each addition and subtraction brings harmony and effectiveness.

So, my dear friends, next time you think about loading your plate—whether it’s with responsibilities, goals, or even literal spaghetti—remember to leave room for what matters most. That’s what meatballs and spaghetti share with our leadership practice.

Bon appétit to your leadership journey!

Kristine Medyanik

Dr. Kristine Medyanik has been teaching business and psychology classes, for many years. She started Shattered Glass Leadship to offer boutique-style workshops that provide expert content to “level up” your daily leadership practice. She has an amazing husband and 3 growing boys and works hard to support local women-owned small businesses.